Search Results: "skx"

25 September 2017

Steve Kemp: Started work on an internet-of-things Radio

So recently I was in York at the Bytemark office, and I read a piece about building a radio in a Raspberry Pi magazine. It got me curious, so when I got home to sunny Helsinki I figured I'd have a stab at it. I don't have fixed goal in mind, but what I do have is: The initial goal is simple wire the receiver/decoder to the board, and listen to the radio. After that there are obvious extenstions, such as adding an LCD display to show the frequency (What's the frequency Kenneth), and later to show the station details, via RDS. Finally I could add some buttons/switches/tweaks for selecting next/previous stations, and adjusting the volume. Initially that'll be handled by pointing a browser at the IP-address of the device. The first attempt at using the RDA5807M chip was a failure, as the thing was too damn small and non-standardly sized. Adding header-pins to the chips was almost impossible, and when I did get them soldered on the thing just gave me static-hisses. However I later read the details of the chip more carefully and realized that it isn't powerfull enough to drive (even) headphones. It requires an amp of some kind. With that extra knowledge I was able to send the output to the powered-speakers I have sat beside my PC. My code is basic, it sets up the FM-receiver/decoder, and scans the spectrum. When it finds a station it outputs the name over the serial console, via RDS, and then just plays it. I've got an PAM8403-based amplifier board on-order, when that arrives I'll get back to the project, and hookup WiFi and a simple web-page to store stations, tuning, etc. My "token goal" at the moment is a radio that switches on at 7AM and switches off at 8AM. In addition to that it'll serve a web-page allowing interactive control, regardless of any buttons that are wired in. I also have another project in the wings. I've ordered a software-defined radio (USB-toy) which I'm planning to use to plot aircraft in real-time, as they arrive/depart/fly over Helsinki. No doubt I'll write that up too.

20 September 2017

Steve Kemp: Retiring the site

So previously I've documented the setup of the Debian-Administration website, and now I'm going to retire it I'm planning how that will work. There are currently 12 servers powering the site: I've made a bunch of commits recently to drop the event-sending, since no more dynamic actions will be possible. So events can be retired immediately. redis will go when I turn off logins, as there will be no need for sessions/cookies. beta is only used for development, so I'll kill that too. Once logins are gone, and anonymous content is disabled there will be no need to send out emails, so mailer can be shutdown. That leaves a bunch of hosts left: All in all I think we'll just have five hosts left: I think that's sane for the moment. I'm still pondering whether to export the code to static HTML, there's a lot of appeal as the load would drop a log, but equally I have a hell of a lot of mod_rewrite redirections in place, and reworking all of them would be a pain. Suspect this is something that will be done in the future, maybe next year.

10 September 2017

Steve Kemp: is closing down

After 13 years the Debian-Administration website will be closing down towards the end of the year. The site will go read-only at the end of the month, and will slowly be stripped back from that point towards the end of the year - leaving only a static copy of the articles, and content. This is largely happening due to lack of content. There were only two articles posted last year, and every time I consider writing more content I lose my enthusiasm. There was a time when people contributed articles, but these days they tend to post such things on their own blogs, on medium, on Reddit, etc. So it seems like a good time to retire things. An official notice has been posted on the site-proper.

25 August 2017

Steve Kemp: Interesting times debugging puppet

I recently upgraded a bunch of systems from Jessie to Stretch, and as a result of that one of my hosts has started showing me a lot of noise in an hourly cron-email:
Command line is not complete. Try option "help"
I've been ignoring these emails for the past while, but today I sat down to track down the source. It was obviously coming from facter, the system that puppet uses to gather information about hosts. Running facter -debug made that apparent:
 root@smaug ~ # facter --debug
 Found no suitable resolves of 1 for ec2_metadata
 value for ec2_metadata is still nil
 value for netmask_git is still nil
 value for ipaddress6_lo is still nil
 value for macaddress_lo is still nil
 value for ipaddress_master is still nil
 value for ipaddress6_master is still nil
 Command line is not complete. Try option "help"
 value for netmask_master is still nil
 value for ipaddress_skx_mail is still nil
There we see the issue, and it is obviously relating to our master interface. To cut a long-story short /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/facter/util/ip.rb contains some code which eventually runs this:
 ip link show $interface
That works on all other interfaces I have:
  $ ip link show git
  6: git: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
But not on master:
  $ ip link show master
  Command line is not complete. Try option "help"
I ninja-edited the code from this:
  ethbond = regex.match(%x /sbin/ip link show '# interface ' )
  ethbond = regex.match(%x /sbin/ip link show dev '# interface ' )
And suddenly puppet-runs without any errors. I'm not 100% sure if this is a bug bug, but it is something of a surprise anyway.
This host runs KVM guests, one of the guests is a puppet-master, with a local name master. Hence the name of the interface. Similarly the interface git is associated with the KVM guest behind

12 August 2017

Steve Kemp: A day in the life of Steve

I used to think I was a programmer who did "sysadmin-stuff". Nowadays I interact with too many real programmers to believe that. Or rather I can code/program/develop, but I'm not often as good as I could be. These days I'm getting more consistent with writing tests, and I like it when things are thoroughly planned and developed. But too often if I'm busy, or distracted, I think to myself "Hrm .. compiles? Probably done. Oops. Bug, you say?" I was going to write about working with golang today. The go language is minimal and quite neat. I like the toolset: Instead I think today I'm going to write about something else. Since having a child a lot of my life is different. Routine becomes something that is essential, as is planning and scheduling. So an average week-day goes something like this: In short I'm responsible for Oiva from 6ish-8ish in the morning, then from 6PM-10PM (with a little break while he's put to bed.) There are some exceptions to this routine - for example I work from home on Monday/Friday afternoons, and Monday evenings he goes to his swimming classes. But most working-days are the same. Weekends are a bit different. There I tend to take him 6AM-8AM, then 1PM-10PM with a few breaks for tea, and bed. At the moment we're starting to reach the peak-party time of year, which means weekends often involve negotiation(s) about which parent is having a party, and which parent is either leaving early, or not going out at all. Today I have him all day, and it's awesome. He's just learned to say "Daddy" which makes any stress, angst or unpleasantness utterly worthwhile.

2 August 2017

Steve Kemp: So I did a thing, then another thing.

So I did start a project, to write a puppet-dashboard, it is functionally complete, but the next step is to allow me to raise alerts based on failing runs of puppet - in real-time. (i.e. Now that I have a dashboard I wish to not use it. I want to be alerted to failures, without having to remember to go look for them. Something puppet-dashboard can't do ..) In other news a while back I slipped in a casual note about having a brain scan done, here in sunny Helsinki. One of the cool things about that experience, in addition to being told I wasn't going to drop dead that particular day, was that the radiologist told me that I could pay 25 to get a copy of my brain data in DICOM format. I've not yet played with this very much, but I couldn't resist a brief animation:

28 July 2017

Steve Kemp: So I'm considering a new project

In the past there used to be a puppet-labs project called puppet-dashboard, which would let you see the state of your managed-nodes. Having even a very basic and simple "report user-interface" is pretty neat when you're pushing out a change, and you want to see it be applied across your fleet of hosts. There are some other neat features, such as allowing you to identify failures easily, and see nodes that haven't reported-in recently. This was spun out into a community-supported project which is largely stale: Having a dashboard is nice, but the current state of the software is less good. It turns out that the implementation is pretty simple though: The reporting node can thus receive real-time updates, and do what it wants with them. You can even sidestep the extra server if you wish: For example on my puppet-master I have this:
  root@master /var/lib/puppet/reports # ls   tail -n4
Inside each directory is a bunch of YAML files which describe the state of the host, and the recipes that were applied. Parsing those is pretty simple, the hardest part would be making a useful/attractive GUI. But happily we have the existing one to "inspire" us. I think I just need to write down a list of assumptions and see if they make sense. After all the existing installation(s) won't break, it's just a matter of deciding whether it is useful/worthwhile way to spend some time. Beyond that you might want to export data about the managed-nodes themselves. For example you might want a list of all the hosts which have "bash" installed on them. Or "All nodes with local user "steve"." I've written that stuff already, as it is very useful for auditing & etc. The hard part about that is that to get the extra data you'll need to include a puppet module to collect it. I suspect a new dashboard would be broadly interesting/useful but unless you have that extra detail it might not be so useful. You can't point to a slightly more modern installation and say "Yes this is worth migrating to". But if you have extra meta-data you can say: And that facility is very useful when you have shellshock, or similar knocking at your door. Anyway as a hacky start I wrote some code to parse reports, avoiding the magic object-fu that the YAML would usually invoke. The end result is this:
 root@master ~# dump-run
    Puppet Version: 4.8.2
    Runtime: 2.16
    Time:2017-07-29 18:13:04 +0000
            total -> 176
            skipped -> 2
            failed -> 0
            changed -> 3
            out_of_sync -> 3
            scheduled -> 0
            corrective_change -> 3
    Changed Resources
            Ssh_authorized_key[skx@shelob-s-fi] /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/ssh_keys/manifests/init.pp:17
            Ssh_authorized_key[skx@deagol-s-fi] /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/ssh_keys/manifests/init.pp:22
            Ssh_authorized_key[] /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/ssh_keys/manifests/init.pp:27
    Skipped Resources
            Exec[clone sysadmin utils]
            Exec[update sysadmin utils]

10 July 2017

Steve Kemp: bind9 considered harmful

Recently there was another bind9 security update released by the Debian Security Team. I thought that was odd, so I've scanned my mailbox: So in the year to date there have been 7 months, in 3 of them nothing happened, but in 4 of them we had bind9 updates. If these trends continue we'll have another 2.5 updates before the end of the year. I don't run a nameserver. The only reason I have bind-packages on my system is for the dig utility. Rewriting a compatible version of dig in Perl should be trivial, thanks to the Net::DNS::Resolver module: These are about the only commands I ever run:
dig -t a +short
dig -t aaaa +short
dig -t a @
I should do that then. Yes.

4 July 2017

Steve Kemp: I've never been more proud

This morning I remembered I had a beefy virtual-server setup to run some kernel builds upon (when I was playing with Linux security moduels), and I figured before I shut it down I should use the power to run some fuzzing. As I was writing some code in Emacs at the time I figured "why not fuzz emacs?" After a few hours this was the result:
 deagol ~ $ perl -e 'print " " x ( 1024 * 1024  * 12);' > t.el
 deagol ~ $ /usr/bin/emacs --batch --script ./t.el
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Yup, evaluating an lisp file caused a segfault, due to a stack-overflow (no security implications). I've never been more proud, even though I have contributed code to GNU Emacs in the past.

28 June 2017

Steve Kemp: Yet more linux security module craziness ..

I've recently been looking at linux security modules. My first two experiments helped me learn:
My First module - whitelist_lsm.c
This looked for the presence of an xattr, and if present allowed execution of binaries. I learned about the Kernel build-system, and how to write a simple LSM.
My second module - hashcheck_lsm.c
This looked for the presence of a "known-good" SHA1 hash xattr, and if it matched the actual hash of the file on-disk allowed execution. I learned how to hash the contents of a file, from kernel-space.
Both allowed me to learn things, but both were a little pointless. They were not fine-grained enough to allow different things to be done by different users. (i.e. If you allowed "alice" to run "wget" you'd also allow www-data to do the same.) So, assuming you wanted to do your security job more neatly what would you want? You'd want to allow/deny execution of commands based upon: So your local users could run "bad" commands, but "www-data" (post-compromise) couldn't. Obviously you don't want to have to recompile your kernel to change the rules of who can execute what. So you think to yourself "I'll write those rules down in a file". But of course reading a file from kernel-space is tricky. And parsing any list of rules, in a file, from kernel-space would prone to buffer-related problems. So I had a crazy idea: Calling userspace? Every time a command is to be executed? Crazy. But it just might work. One problem I had with this approach is that userspace might not even be available, when you're booting. So I setup a flag to enable this stuff:
# echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/can-exec/enabled
Now the kernel will invoke the following on every command:
/sbin/can-exec $UID $PATH
Because the kernel waits for this command to complete - as it reads the exit-code - you cannot execute any child-processes from it as you'd end up in recursive hell, but you can certainly read files, write to syslog, etc. My initial implementionation was as basic as this:
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  // Get the UID + Program
  int uid = atoi( argv[1] );
  char *prg = argv[2];
  // syslog
  openlog ("can-exec", LOG_CONS   LOG_PID   LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL1);
  syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "UID:%d CMD:%s", uid, prg );
  // root can do all.
  if ( uid == 0 )
    return 0;
  // nobody
  if ( uid == 65534 )  
    if ( ( strcmp( prg , "/bin/sh" ) == 0 )  
         ( strcmp( prg , "/usr/bin/id" ) == 0 ) )  
      fprintf(stderr, "Allowing 'nobody' access to shell/id\n" );
      return 0;
  fprintf(stderr, "Denied\n" );
  return -1;
Although the UIDs are hard-code it actually worked! Yay! I updated the code to convert the UID to a username, then check executables via the file /etc/can-exec/$USERNAME.conf, and this also worked. I don't expect anybody to actually use this code, but I do think I've reached a point where I can pretend I've written a useful (or non-pointless) LSM at last. That means I can stop.

24 June 2017

Steve Kemp: Linux security modules, round two.

So recently I wrote a Linux Security Module (LSM) which would deny execution of commands, unless an extended attribute existed upon the filesystem belonging to the executables. The whitelist-LSM worked well, but it soon became apparent that it was a little pointless. Most security changes are pointless unless you define what you're defending against - your "threat model". In my case it was written largely as a learning experience, but also because I figured it seemed like it could be useful. However it wasn't actually as useful because you soon realize that you have to whitelist too much: In short there comes a point where user alice must run executable blah. If alice can run it, then so can mallory. At which point you realize the exercise is not so useful. Taking a step back I realized that what I wanted to to prevent was the execution of unknown/unexpected, and malicious binaries How do you identify known-good binaries? Well hashes & checksums are good. So for my second attempt I figured I'd not look for a mere "flag" on a binary, instead look for a valid hash. Now my second LSM is invoked for every binary that is executed by a user: In practice this is the same behaviour as the previous LSM - a binary is either executable, because there is a good hash, or it is not, because it is missing or bogus. If somebody deploys a binary rootkit this will definitely stop it from executing, but of course there is a huge hole - scripting-languages: Despite that the project was worthwhile, I can clearly describe what it is designed to achieve ("Deny the execution of unknown binaries", and "Deny binaries that have been modified"), and I learned how to hash a file from kernel-space - which was surprisingly simple.
(Yes I know about IMA and EVM - this was a simple project for learning purposes. Public-key signatures will be something I'll look at next/soon/later. :)
Perhaps the only other thing to explore is the complexity in allowing/denying actions based on the user - in a human-readable fashion, not via UIDs. So www-data can execute some programs, alice can run a different set of binaries, and git can only run /usr/bin/git. Of course down that path lies apparmour, selinux, and madness..

14 June 2017

Steve Kemp: Porting pfctl to Linux

If you have a bunch of machines running OpenBSD for firewalling purposes, which is pretty standard, you might start to use source-control to maintain the rulesets. You might go further, and use some kind of integration testing to deploy changes from your revision control system into production. Of course before you deploy any pf.conf file you need to test that the file contents are valid/correct. If your integration system doesn't run on OpenBSD though you have a couple of choices: I looked at this last year and got pretty far, but then got distracted. So the other day I picked it up again. It turns out that if you're patient it's not hard to use bison to generate some C code, then glue it together such that you can validate your firewall rules on a Linux system.
  deagol ~/pf.ctl $ ./pfctl ./pf.conf
  ./pf.conf:298: macro 'undefined_variable' not defined
  ./pf.conf:298: syntax error
Unfortunately I had to remove quite a lot of code to get the tool to compile, which means that while some failures like that above are caught others are missed. The example above reads:
vlans=" vlan1,vlan2 "
pass out on $vlans proto udp from $undefined_variable
Unfortunately the following line does not raise an error:
pass out on vlan12 inet proto tcp from <unknown> to $http_server port  80,443 
That comes about because looking up the value of the table named unknown just silently fails. In slowly removing more and more code to make it compile I lost the ability to keep track of table definitions - both their names and their values - Thus the fetching of a table by name has become a NOP, and a bogus name will result in no error. Now it is possible, with more care, that you could use a hashtable library, or similar, to simulate these things. But I kinda stalled, again. (Similar things happen with fetching a proto by name, I just hardcoded inet, gre, icmp, icmp6, etc. Things that I'd actually use.) Might be a fun project for somebody with some time anyway! Download the OpenBSD source, e.g. from a github mirror - yeah, yeah, but still. CVS? No thanks! - Then poke around beneath sbin/pfctl/. The main file you'll want to grab is parse.y, although you'll need to setup a bunch of headers too, and write yourself a Makefile. Here's a hint:
  deagol ~/pf.ctl $ tree
  3 directories, 11 files

1 June 2017

Steve Kemp: So I accidentally wrote a linux security module

Tonight I read this weeks LWN quotes-page a little later than usual because I was busy at work for most of the day. Anyway as always LWNs content was awesome, and this particular list lead to an interesting discussion about a new Linux-Security-Module (LSM).
That read weirdly, what I was trying to say was that every Thursday morning I like to read LWN at work. Tonight is the first chance I had to get round to it.
One of the later replies in the thread was particularly interesting as it said:
Create an security module that looks for the attribute
on things being executed/mmapped and denys it if the attribute
isn't present. Create a program (whitelistd) that reads
/etc/whitelist.conf and scans the system to ensure that only
things on the list have the attribute.
So I figured that was a simple idea, and it didn't seem too hard even for myself as a non-kernel non-developer. There are several linux security modules included in the kernel-releases, beneath the top-level security/ directory, so I assumed I could copy & paste code around them to get something working. During the course of all this work, which took about 90 minutes from start to Finnish (that pun never gets old), this online documentation was enormously useful: Brief attr primer If you're not familiar with the attr tool it's pretty simple. You can assign values to arbitrary labels on files. The only annoying thing is you have to use extra-flags to commands like rsync, tar, cp, etc, to preserve the damn things. Set three attributes on the file named moi:
$ touch moi
$ attr -s forename -V "Steve"      moi
$ attr -s surname  -V "Kemp"       moi
$ attr -s name     -V "Steve Kemp" moi
Now list the attributes present:
$ attr -l moi
Attribute "name" has a 10 byte value for moi
Attribute "forename" has a 5 byte value for moi
Attribute "surname" has a 4 byte value for moi
And retrieve one?
$ attr -q -g name moi
Steve Kemp
LSM Skeleton My initial starting point was to create "steve_lsm.c", with the following contents:
 #include <linux/lsm_hooks.h>
  * Log things for the moment.
 static int steve_bprm_check_security(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
     printk(KERN_INFO "STEVE LSM check of %s\n", bprm->filename);
     return 0;
  * Only check exec().
 static struct security_hook_list steve_hooks[] =  
     LSM_HOOK_INIT(bprm_check_security, steve_bprm_check_security),
  * Somebody set us up the bomb.
 static void __init steve_init(void)
     security_add_hooks(steve_hooks, ARRAY_SIZE(steve_hooks), "steve");
     printk(KERN_INFO "STEVE LSM initialized\n");
With that in place I had to modify the various KBuild files beneath security/ to make sure this could be selected as an LSM, and add in a Makefile to the new directory security/steve/. With the boiler-plate done though, and the host machine rebooted into my new kernel it was simple to test things out. Obviously the first step, post-boot, is to make sure that the module is active, which can be done in two ways, looking at the output of dmesg, and explicitly listing the modules available:
 ~# dmesg   grep STEVE   head -n2
 STEVE LSM initialized
 STEVE LSM check of /init
 $ echo $(cat /sys/kernel/security/lsm)
Making the LSM functional The next step was to make the module do more than mere logging. In short this is what we want: NOTE we don't care what the content of the extended attribute is, we just care whether it exists or not. Reading the extended attribute is pretty simple, using the __vfs_getxattr function. All in all our module becomes this:
  #include <linux/xattr.h>
  #include <linux/binfmts.h>
  #include <linux/lsm_hooks.h>
  #include <linux/sysctl.h>
  #include <linux/ptrace.h>
  #include <linux/prctl.h>
  #include <linux/ratelimit.h>
  #include <linux/workqueue.h>
  #include <linux/string_helpers.h>
  #include <linux/task_work.h>
  #include <linux/sched.h>
  #include <linux/spinlock.h>
  #include <linux/lsm_hooks.h>
   * Perform a check of a program execution/map.
   * Return 0 if it should be allowed, -EPERM on block.
  static int steve_bprm_check_security(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
         // The current task & the UID it is running as.
         const struct task_struct *task = current;
         kuid_t uid = task->cred->uid;
         // The target we're checking
         struct dentry *dentry = bprm->file->f_path.dentry;
         struct inode *inode = d_backing_inode(dentry);
         // The size of the label-value (if any).
         int size = 0;
         // Root can access everything.
         if ( uid.val == 0 )
            return 0;
         size = __vfs_getxattr(dentry, inode, "user.whitelisted", NULL, 0);
         if ( size >= 0 )
             printk(KERN_INFO "STEVE LSM check of %s resulted in %d bytes from 'user.whitelisted' - permitting access for UID %d\n", bprm->filename, size, uid.val );
             return 0;
         printk(KERN_INFO "STEVE LSM check of %s denying access for UID %d [ERRO:%d] \n", bprm->filename, uid.val, size );
         return -EPERM;
   * The hooks we wish to be installed.
  static struct security_hook_list steve_hooks[] =  
       LSM_HOOK_INIT(bprm_check_security, steve_bprm_check_security),
   * Initialize our module.
  void __init steve_add_hooks(void)
       /* register ourselves with the security framework */
       security_add_hooks(steve_hooks, ARRAY_SIZE(steve_hooks), "steve");
       printk(KERN_INFO "STEVE LSM initialized\n");
Once again we reboot with this new kernel, and we test that the LSM is active. After the basic testing, as before, we can now test real functionality. By default no binaries will have the attribute we look for present - so we'd expect ALL commands to fail, unless executed by root. Let us test that:
~# su - nobody -s /bin/sh
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
Cannot execute /bin/sh: Operation not permitted
That looks like it worked. Let us allow users to run /bin/sh:
 ~# attr -s whitelisted -V 1 /bin/sh
Unfortunately that fails, because symlinks are weird, but repeating the test with /bin/dash works as expected:
 ~# su - nobody -s /bin/dash
 No directory, logging in with HOME=/
 Cannot execute /bin/dash: Operation not permitted
 ~# attr -s whitelisted -V 1 /bin/dash
 ~# attr -s whitelisted -V 1 /usr/bin/id
 ~# su - nobody -s /bin/dash
 No directory, logging in with HOME=/
 $ id
 uid=65534(nobody) gid=65534(nogroup) groups=65534(nogroup)
 $ uptime
 -su: 2: uptime: Operation not permitted
And our logging shows the useful results as we'd expect:
  STEVE LSM check of /usr/bin/id resulted in 1 bytes from 'user.WHITELISTED' - permitting access for UID 65534
  STEVE LSM check of /usr/bin/uptime denying access for UID 65534 [ERRO:-95]
Surprises If you were paying careful attention you'll see that we changed what we did part-way through this guide. Not sure what is going on there, but it was very confusing. It appears to be the case that when you set an attribute a secret user. prefix is added to the name. Could be worth some research by somebody with more time on their hands than I have. Anyway I don't expect this is a terribly useful module, but it was my first, and I think it should be pretty stable. Feedback on my code certainly welcome!

29 May 2017

Steve Kemp: Security is hard ..

I continued to be impressed with local vendors, found on 3dhubs. I've had several more things printed out, including an "internet button", and some card-holders for Settlers of Catan. The most recent print I had made was a collection of display cases, for holding an OLED display, as well as an ESP8266 device. Unfortunately at the same time as I was falling in love with the service I discovered a glaring XSS attack against the site itself. Anybody who viewed my profile page could have arbitrary javascript executed, which in some cases would actually disclose their private details - such as:
  • Their forename & surname.
  • Their email-address.
  • Their telephone number.
  • Their GeoIP details.
Discovering this took minutes, writing it up took an hour, and a month later it is still unfixed. I've deleted my account.

24 May 2017

Steve Kemp: Getting ready for Stretch

I run about 17 servers. Of those about six are very personal and the rest are a small cluster which are used for a single website. (Partly because the code is old and in some ways a bit badly designed, partly because "clustering!", "high availability!", "learning!", "fun!" - seriously I had a lot of fun putting together a fault-tolerant deployment with haproxy, ucarp, etc, etc. If I were paying for it the site would be both retired and static!) I've started the process of upgrading to stretch by picking a bunch of hosts that do things I could live without for a few days - in case there were big problems, or I needed to restore from backups. So far I've upgraded: All upgrades were painless, with only one real surprise - the attic-backup software was removed from Debian. Although I do intend to retry using Larss' excellent obnum in the near future pragmatically I wanted to stick with what I'm familiar with. Borg backup is a fork of attic I've been aware of for a long time, but I never quite had a reason to try it out. Setting it up pretty much just meant editing my backup-script:
Once I did that, and created some new destinations all was good: ~ $ borg init /backups/ ~ $ borg init /backups/ ~ $ ..
Upgrading other hosts, for example my website(s), and my email-box, will be more complex and fiddly. On that basis they will definitely wait for the formal stretch release. But having a couple of hosts running the frozen distribution is good for testing, and to let me see what is new.

14 May 2017

Steve Kemp: Some minor updates ..

The past few weeks have been randomly busy, nothing huge has happened, but several minor diversions. Coding
I made a new release of my console-based mail-client, with integrated Lua scripting, this is available for download over at I've also given a talk (!!) on using a literate/markdown configuration for GNU Emacs. In brief I created two files:
This contains both my configuration of GNU Emacs as well as documentation for the same. Neat.
This parse the previous file, specifically looking for "code blocks" which are then extracted and evaluated.
This system is easy to maintain, and I'm quite happy with it :)
Somebody nice took the time to report a couple of bugs against my simple bytecode-intepretting virtual-machine project - all found via fuzzing. I've done some fun fuzzing of my own in the past, so this was nice to see. I've now resolved those bugs, and updated the file to include instructions on fuzzing it. (Which I started doing myself, after receiving the first of the reports )
Finally I have more personal news too: I had a pair of CT-scans carried out recently, and apparently here in sunny Finland (that's me being ironic, it was snowing in the first week of May) when you undergo a CT-scan you can pay to obtain your data on CD-ROM. I'm 100% definitely going to get a copy of my brain-scan data. I'll be able to view a 3d-rendered model of my own brain on my desktop. (Once upon a time I worked for a company that produced software, sold to doctors/surgeons, for creating 3d-rendered volumes from individual slices. I confirmed with the radiologist that handled my tests that they do indeed use the standard DICOM format. Small world.)

19 April 2017

Steve Kemp: 3d-Printing is cool

I've heard about 3d-printing a lot in the past, although the hype seems to have mostly died down. My view has always been "That seems cool", coupled with "Everybody says making the models is very hard", and "the process itself is fiddly & time-consuming". I've been sporadically working on a project for a few months now which displays tram-departure times, this is part of my drive to "hardware" things with Arduino/ESP8266 devices . Most visitors to our flat have commented on it, at least once, and over time it has become gradually more and more user-friendly. Initially it was just a toy-project for myself, so everything was hard-coded in the source but over time that changed - which I mentioned here, (specifically the Access-point setup): I've now wired up an input-button to the device too, experimenting with the different ways that a single button can carry out multiple actions: Anyway the software is neat, and I can't think of anything obvious to change. So lets move onto the real topic of this post: 3D Printing. I randomly remembered that I'd heard about an online site holding 3D-models, and on a whim I searched for "4x20 LCD". That lead me to this design, which is exactly what I was looking for. Just like open-source software we're now living in a world where you can get open-source hardware! How cool is that? I had to trust the dimensions of the model, and obviously I was going to mount my new button into the box, rather than the knob shown. But having a model was great. I could download it, for free, and I could view it online at But with a model obtained the next step was getting it printed. I found a bunch of commercial companies, here in Europe, who would print a model, and ship it to me, but when I uploaded the model they priced it at 90+. Too much. I'd almost lost interest when I stumbled across a site which provides a gateway into a series of individual/companies who will print things for you, on-demand: 3dhubs. Once again I uploaded my model, and this time I was able to select a guy in the same city as me. He printed my model for 1/3-1/4 of the price of the companies I'd found, and sent me fun pictures of the object while it was in the process of being printed. To recap I started like this:
Then I boxed it in cardboard which looked better than nothing, but still not terribly great:
Now I've found an online case-design for free, got it printed cheaply by a volunteer (feels like the wrong word, after-all I did pay him), and I have something which look significantly more professional:
Inside it looks as neat as you would expect:
Of course the case still cost 5 times as much as the actual hardware involved (button: 0.05, processor-board 2.00 and LCD I2C display 3.00). But I've gone from being somebody who had zero experience with hardware-based projects 4 months ago, to somebody who has built a project which is functional and "pretty". The internet really is a glorious thing. Using it for learning, and coding is good, using it for building actual physical parts too? That's something I never could have predicted a few years ago and I can see myself doing it more in the future. Sure the case is a little rough around the edges, but I suspect it is now only a matter of time until I learn how to design my own models. An obvious extension is to add a status-LED above the switch, for example. How hard can it be to add a new hole to a model? (Hell I could just drill it!)

12 March 2017

Steve Kemp: How I started programming

I've written parts of this story in the past, but never in one place and never in much detail. So why not now? In 1982 my family moved house, so one morning I went to school and at lunch-time I had to walk home to a completely different house. We moved sometime towards the end of the year, and ended up spending lots of money replacing the windows of the new place. For people in York I was born in Farrar Street, Y010 3BY, and we moved to a place on Thief Lane, YO1 3HS. Being named as it was I "ironically" stole at least two street-signs and hung them on my bedroom wall. I suspect my parents were disappointed. Anyway the net result of this relocation, and the extra repairs meant that my sisters and I had a joint Christmas present that year, a ZX Spectrum 48k. I tried to find pictures of what we received but unfortunately the web doesn't remember the precise bundle. All together though we received: I know we also received Horace and the Spiders, and I have vague memories of some other things being included, including a Space Invaders clone. No doubt my parents bought them separately. Highlights of my Spectrum-gaming memories include R-Type, Strider, and the various "Dizzy" games. Some of the latter I remember very fondly. Unfortunately this Christmas was pretty underwhelming. We unpacked the machine, we cabled it up to the family TV-set - we only had the one, after all - and then proceeded to be very disappointed when nothing we did resulted in a successful game! It turns out our cassette-deck was not good enough. Being back in the 80s the shops were closed over Christmas, and my memory is that it was around January before we received a working tape-player/recorder, such that we could load games. Happily the computer came with manuals. I read one, skipping words and terms I didn't understand. I then read the other, which was the spiral-bound orange book. It contained enough examples and decent wording that I learned to write code in BASIC. Not bad for an 11/12 year old. Later I discovered that my local library contained "computer books". These were colourful books that promised "The Mystery of Silver Mounter", or "Write your own ADVENTURE PROGRAMS". But were largely dry books that contained nothing but multi-page listings of BASIC programs to type in. Often with adjustments that had to be made for your own computer-flavour (BASIC varying between different systems).
If you want to recapture the magic scroll to the foot of this Osbourne page and you can download them!
Later I taught myself Z80 Assembly Language, partly via the Spectrum manual and partly via such books as these two (which I still own 30ish years later): Pretty much the only reason I continued down this path is because I wanted infinite/extra lives in the few games I owned. (Which were largely pirated via the schoolboy network of parents with cassette-copiers.) Eventually I got some of my l33t POKES printed in magazines, and received free badges from the magazines of the day such as Your Sinclair & Sinclair User. For example I was "Hacker of the Month" in the Your Sinclair issue 67 , Page 32, apparently because I "asked so nicely in my letter". Terrible scan is terrible: Anyway that takes me from 1980ish to 1984. The only computer I ever touched was a Spectrum. Friends had other things, and there were Sega consoles, but I have no memories of them. Suffice it to say that later when I first saw a PC (complete with Hercules graphics, hard drives, and similar sourcery, running GEM IIRC) I was pleased that Intel assembly was "similar" to Z80 assembly - and now I know the reason why. Some time in the future I might document how I got my first computer job. It is hillarious. As was my naivete.

23 February 2017

Steve Kemp: Rotating passwords

Like many people I use a password-manage to record logins to websites. I previously used a tool called pwsafe, but these days I switched to using pass. Although I don't like the fact the meta-data is exposed the tool is very useful, and its integration with git is both simple and reliable. Reading about the security issue that recently affected cloudflare made me consider rotating some passwords. Using git I figured I could look at the last update-time of my passwords. Indeed that was pretty simple:
git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD   while read filename; do
  echo "$(git log -1 --format="%ad" -- $filename) $filename"
Of course that's not quite enough because we want it sorted, and to do that using the seconds-since-epoch is neater. All together I wrote this:
# Show password age - should be useful for rotation - we first of all
# format the timestamp of every *.gpg file, as both unix+relative time,
# then we sort, and finally we output that sorted data - but we skip
# the first field which is the unix-epoch time.
( git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD   grep '\.gpg$'   while read filename; do \
      echo "$(git log -1 --format="%at %ar" -- $filename) $filename" ; done ) \
          sort   awk ' for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF '
Not the cleanest script I've ever hacked together, but the output is nice:
 steve@ssh ~ $ cd ~/Repos/personal/pass/
 steve@ssh ~/Repos/personal/pass $ ./password-age   head -n 5
 1 year, 10 months ago GPG/root@localhost.gpg
 1 year, 10 months ago GPG/
 1 year, 10 months ago GPG/
 1 year, 10 months ago Git/
 1 year, 10 months ago Git/
Now I need to pick the sites that are more than a year old and rotate credentials. Or delete accounts, as appropriate.

18 February 2017

Steve Kemp: Apologies for the blog-churn.

I've been tweaking my blog a little over the past few days, getting ready for a new release of the chronicle blog compiler (github). During the course of that I rewrote all the posts to have 100% lower-case file-paths. Redirection-pages have been auto-generated for each page which was previously mixed-case, but unfortunately that will have meant that the RSS feed updated unnecessarily: That triggered a lot of spamming, as the URLs would have shown up as being new/unread/distinct.

